All homework starts is given on a Wednesday and due in on a Wednesday.
Reading - Please read to an adult 4 x week.
Spellings - Please log in to spelling frame and do the task set. The 'test' must be done but you can also do the practice games as extras if you would like to.
Times tables - Please practise your times tables every week. This can either be done via Times Table RockStars or with a parent. On the maths part of the school website (in the curriculum section), there are lots of ideas on how to practise times-tables. If you practise with an adult rather than on RockStars, please ask them to make a small note of this in your reading record.
Writing - You will be given a piece of writing homework each week to complete.
Mrs Hanson's homework - This is an optional task that will be set once a term (you will find out more details closer to half-term).