At Willow Bank Junior School, we aim to develop scientific knowledge and understanding through the studies of biology, chemistry and physics. We develop skills to work scientifically by encouraging children to ask relevant scientific questions, make observations, look for patterns, classify and group, compare, research and by taking part in controlled investigations. Children are encouraged to seek their own answers by collecting, analysing and presenting their data.
Our teachers create positive attitudes to science learning through the planning and resourcing of informative and engaging units of work, which allow all pupils to access and achieve the aims of the national curriculum to a high standard. A progressive whole-school approach to the teaching and learning of science involves a structured programme of study, following the 2014 National Curriculum for Science and linking to wider classroom themes where possible. This is allows pupils to build on their knowledge and understanding from previous years. The planning and teaching of Science includes:
Whilst Science is timetabled as a discrete subject, many occasions arise to link with other subjects too. In particular, science opportunities are reinforced through Maths (data handling and measuring) and Computing (data loggers and sensors, cameras and researching).
The Science curriculum at Willow Bank Junior School will provide, engaging, high quality science education, that provides children with the foundations for understanding the ever-changing world around them.
The impact of science will be measured through regular monitoring by the Subject Leader and Senior Leadership Team. This will include looking at work in children’s books, displays, feedback from staff, pupil voice opportunities and end of unit assessment tasks.