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Willow Bank Junior School

School Values


At Willow Bank Junior School, we aim to teach a rich and varied curriculum that engages all pupils, fills them with awe and wonder and inspires them to aim high.

Our goal is to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills they need for the next part of their education journey and for wider life. We want them to know their place as citizens of the world with social responsibility and the drive for equity; we want them to feel successful – to know what their strengths are, to be challenged, to take risks as learners and to be resilient when things do not fall into place straight away. We welcome diversity and celebrate the things that we have in common and those that make us unique. We model kindness, compassion and respect, and instil curiosity and positive habits for life-long learning. We value happiness, friendship, family and community.


Core Values

Our six Core Values, as chosen by pupils, parents, staff and governors, help to guide us in everything that we do. These are:

*        Kindness

*        Respect

*        Teamwork

*        Honesty

*        Positivity

*        Pride

